• Dear Site Visitor…

    Posted on January 8, 2013 by in Featured, Organizational Updates

    Welcome to the new Holcomb Farm website!

    We’ve worked hard to create a site that shows the vibrant future of the Farm, while also honoring its past.

    PLEASE HELP US CONTINUE TO IMPROVE THE SITE! If you find a glitch, an error, a broken link, any problem at all, please use the Contact Form to tell us about it. Also, please tell us what you’d like to see added to the site – what types of articles, links, etc.

    Finally, please come and use the Farm. Enjoy a concert, take a class, hike the trails. This property is a community treasure for everyone ~ and that means YOU!

    Happy New Year to all, from the staff and Board of Holcomb Farm.


One Response so far.

  1. Staff says:

    Dear Readers: We already know that the site page urls do not show up in your browser. This is because we are currently using a “redirect” of our domain name to this working site. This will be changed once we complete all backups and email account changes associated with the previous site. Please be patient and in the meantime, enjoy this new design! Thanks.